Illustratie: Elliott Banfield

De pagina's van de Campusdichter zijn totstandgekomen in samenwerking met de Faculteit Communicatie en Cultuur van de Universiteit van Tilburg / Tilburg University




Drie gedichten






Eating a sober lunch of rye bread with peanut butter, the UD spins

his ergonomically sound chair towards the window and for inspiration searches

outside, for the cast iron sculpture’s newly moved blue bolted prow. His gaze pans

past pond towards TiasNimbas and the proud ship of knowledge. He sees

it has been given the second chance it deserves. He reflects

on Tilburg’s murdered maple - no reprieve there; the saw’s buzz still echoes

so he will join the protest at four the following day, though he knows

he would never chain himself to a tree, and of anthropomorphism he disapproves.


His swiss cheese plant, the office’s own groene oase, spills

over papers and pens, his desk’s organized chaos, forms

a higgledy-piggledy mini-jungle, defies

the consensus of grey furniture. If he uproots

this palm, the room’s uniformity triumphs

but it will suffer no herinrichting like the vijfsprong. The thesis he is editing needs

trimming, thinning; his plant he will always spare. It is paragraphs he sentences

to cuts, and with mighty pen slashes.


Now he’s digested brown bread and dangling participles, he turns

to the production of his own paper, the tree he daily drip feeds

with data, nourishes with sources, in readiness for when he prunes, fine-tunes

and eventually publishes.


He begins.





october eyes



lost glove gathering dew dropped on a bench


by Dante


fat green wheelie bin squatting out of sight


by Simon


oak and beech leaves tube-blown to a mountain


by Olympia




exam room scholar heads bowed over paper hair hanging

(innocent like sleeping children)


inside Cobbenhagen


window cleaners wielding telescopic squeegees

(as if washing an elephant)


outside Warande






teeth gritted


iPods humming


bent forward




            along windy routes


Clipper Square ... Pious Street ... Hill Street ... New Country Street

Red Cycle Path

Red Cycle Path

Red Cycle Path

Red Cycle Path

Red Cycle Path

Red Cycle Path

Red Cycle Path

Red Cycle Path






ignore them at your peril


capital café

consumed with nervous energy

customers acting roles

performing their drinking

hamming it up

for the sake of hapjes


you resisted

though you leaned in pretending to be part

of this ritual


i kept all the palaver at bay

with my ears and leant in close

to softly intone a feeling or two to you


and then i knew i wanted us to be full
