Illustratie: Elliott Banfield

De pagina's van de Campusdichter zijn totstandgekomen in samenwerking met de Faculteit Communicatie en Cultuur van de Universiteit van Tilburg / Tilburg University







Star In The Woods


Ik ben

Samuel Leroy Jackson

Hollywood acteur


You may have seen

My films

You may have heard

My name

Yet the movie game

Of lights and fame

I am not here

To play


After two months training students 

Of the dramatic arts

In Amsterdam

The workshops were done

Masterclasses completed

I have migrated south

To warm receptive climes

For there’s a new thing

A fresh plot in my life

I am going to open and run

A Hollywood delicatessen

In the woods beyond the campus

Right here in Tilburg

Two hundred year old proud city

I am honoured, and humble as the honey bee


So please please get a little fat

It is OK to do so

Forgo Albron

I’ll feed you in the woods

Come find me there; I will sustain you


With actorly technique

I’ll entice you to splash out on spices

Take a gamble on inspiring fruit and innovative ices

Regard my rare pears

My princely quince

Come buy come buy

Contemplate my cherry pie

Cranberries, bilberries, tilberries

Taste and try

Taste and try

And as we banter and barter

Across the counter

Help me learn

Your language, your punchy Dutch

Cornflakey crunch that I love so much

There ain’t nothin like it

Russian French Apache – a tongue none can touch


We will have a cultural exchange

Let us all broaden our range


Here’s more food for thought

In the evenings I will not rest from

My day’s labours

I will contribute my share to the Tilburg night

Moonlighting in the Nieuwe Voorst en Paradox

Dancing to the four stages of culture shocks

To techno, jazz, folk, soul and rock

Wearing my iconic beard and Scottish kilt

Lighting the halls with a North American lilt

As I scat a scooby doodle do wop dat


Come to my day life come to my night life

I will show any soul who cares to witness

My ego evolving, true mental fitness

My road leading me

Out of old spotlights

I cater to the city’s appetites

While Tilburg basks in the bicentennial

I will prosper in 2009

And there will be no time for golf or Pilates

In the shade of eiken en beuken

I will run my business

Joggers, dog walkers, students and staff will visit my

Deli of delights, winkel in the Warande where the eight ways


The star-shaped park will host a star

And I will lay my products upon you

No eenheidsworst

But unity sausage will be

My calling card

It’s a blend of the finest ingredients

I sure as hell gurantee

My 1620 waffles will wow you and

My Samuel Leroy Jackson cakes

Will taste the best